Weight Loss Medications

Weight Loss Pills and Medications in Greeley, CO

What are weight loss medications?

Weight loss pills are one way to help lose excess weight, in addition to regular exercise and a balanced diet. For some, diet and exercise alone do not yield the results they seek. Weight loss pills from a doctor can help aid patients who have not seen effective results using other methods, and who have a significant amount of weight to lose. While taking medical weight loss pills, patients should maintain a healthy diet, exercise, and visit a weight loss doctor regularly to monitor their condition.

Why are weight loss pills used?

Weight loss medications may be used to:

What does using weight loss medications involve?

Patients seeking weight loss medications to aid weight loss should consult Dr. Chima Nwizu to devise a weight loss plan and determine the best medications for your needs. As with any medication, Dr. Nwizu will go over the potential side effects and expectations for the specific medication you are prescribed.

After starting treatment with weight loss medication, patients may begin to lose a substantial amount of weight (typically 1-3 lbs. per week). Patients should continue to regularly attend follow-up visits with Dr. Nwizu to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments.

What are the advantages of using weight loss medications?

Some of the advantages of using weight loss medications include:

  • Safely aid patients in weight loss
  • Most medications do not cause discomfort
  • Negative side effects are usually minimal
  • Can be used in conjunction with other weight loss therapies
  • Alternative to invasive weight loss procedures, such as liposuction or gastric bypass surgery

If you are suffering from weight problems and are not meeting weight loss goals on your own, the first step is scheduling an evaluation with Dr. Nwizu. Dr. Nwizu has more than 20 years of experience in his field, and is a trusted healthcare provider. Call  970.378.8000 today or fill out the form on this page to schedule an appointment now.

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Chima Nwizu, MD

Office Hours

Mon - Thurs: 8:30am - 5pm
Fri - Sun: Closed

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